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Things to be thankful for this holiday season

2020 hasn’t been the start to the new decade we would have liked. Yet, as the year begins to wind down and we head into the holiday season, there is still much for which to be thankful of despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are some things many of us can be thankful for this year and ways we can show our gratitude:

Connecting or reconnecting with loved ones

It may seem odd in a time where we need to social distance that we can connect with loved ones, but the pandemic has brought new meaning to the relationships we have. We get so busy with the hustle and bustle of everyday life that we don’t actively make time to focus on relationships with family and friends.

While many social events have been canceled and we’re forced to limit capacity at our gatherings, we’ve been fortunate to be able to reconnect and develop deeper bonds with family and friends = even virtually.

When it comes to our older loved ones. it’s been especially difficult since many senior living facilities across the country haven’t been able to allow family and friends to visit in-person. Since COVID-19 has the greatest impact on the senior population, having the gift of technology has allowed us to stay in touch. Video conferencing platforms allow us to still gather and nurture our connections. In many situations, families and friends who haven’t communicated in a long period have reconnected with one another through technology.

The gift of time

Whether you’re a healthcare worker faced with long days behind a mask or navigating the pandemic at home, or even a family who has had to cope with being physically distant from a senior loved one, we have all come to appreciate the gift of time and the chance to slow down.

Many of us have found creative ways to unwind from this stressful time. We have picked up new hobbies like reading, working with crafts or painting. People have worked on self-improvement, gotten married and even had babies.

It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life, but it’s times like these – as difficult as they are – that make us realize we have to stop and appreciate all that we have.

Ways to show your gratitude

Making a habit of acknowledging what we’re thankful for is essential for our emotional well-being.

Here are some ways you can show your gratitude:

  1. Regularly make a list and write down the things you’re thankful for.
  2. Sit and think about what inspires you and relaxes you. Write down what is going well in your life and the activities you enjoy doing. Reflect on the things you’re looking forward to doing and the people who you love.
  3. Reach out to a loved one, whether it’s your grandparent, parent, children or friend, let them know all of the ways you love and appreciate them.

Taking an inventory of the things we’re thankful for or looking for ways to show gratitude is a great way to prepare for a new year full of exciting opportunities. 

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